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Adding Subscription Plans to a Product Variant

Once you have one or more subscription plans, they can be added to product variants. (If you don’t already have a subscription to work with, you can see how to define a subscription plan here.)

You’ll first need the appropriate permissions for the Tree and Subscription Plans. Refer to our documentation on roles and permissions for more information.

Within the Crystallize App, browse through your catalogue to the product in question. From the View drop-down menu at the top of the screen, make sure Pretty is selected. Scroll to the variant you want to modify, click the action button (…) in the top-right corner of its card, then choose Edit.

Adding subscription example

Scroll down to the Subscriptions section and click the plus sign button (+). You can then choose one of your existing subscription plans from the drop-down menu.

From here, you can configure subscription pricing and (optionally) metered variables specific to this product variant.

  • Initial period. If the subscription plan has an initial period, you can use the +Add initial period button to set the price(s) for that period. (Use 0 if you intend for it to be free.)
  • Recurring period. Click into each currency box to type in the price that will be paid each period.
  • Metered variable tier type. If the subscription plan has metered variables, click on the Tier type label to choose either Graduated or Volume.
  • Metered variable tiers. Click the plus sign button (+) to add tiers for pricing. Once at least 2 tiers exist, you’ll be able to adjust the values between each tier by typing into the From column on the second tier onward. Use the action button (...) on the right to remove tiers.

You can add as many subscription plans to a product variant as you like. For instance, you may want to offer monthly and yearly subscription options. Use the plus sign button (+) in the bottom-left corner of the Subscriptions section to add more plans. To remove subscription plans, click the X in the upper-right corner of the subscription window. As usual, you must click the Publish changes button at the top of the screen for these changes to be made publicly available.

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