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Beautiful and Fast JAMStack eCommerce in 3 Steps

Psst: we are hiring remote frontend developers and backend developers.

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Combine the power of Crystallize, our open source JAMStack eCommerce boilerplate using NextJS and React with serverless hosting on Vercel and you can launch a fast headless eCommerce in a few minutes. All optimized for fast site speed globally and ready to be tailored to your needs.

Beautiful & fast headless JAMStack eCommerce

JAMStack eCommerce in 3 steps

TLDR; you can check out a live example of the beautiful and fast JAMStack eCommerce experience built as a furniture webshop and magazine

The product information (PIM) and eCommerce is powered by Crystallize and our open source JAMStack eCommerce boilerplate using React & NextJS. The tailor made eCommerce frontend is hosted serverless on Vercel using incremental pre-rendering. The result is a fast and beautiful eCommerce experience. Rich product information, engaging stories with images and videos.

Get up and running with this eCommerce experience with the following steps:

  1. Set up your Crystallize tenant
  2. Clone and configure the JAMStack eCommerce boilerplate
  3. Deploy serverless on Vercel
JAMStack eCommerce with Crystallize and NextJS

Fast site speed

The JAMStack eCommerce boilerplate is already optimized for fast site speed. A great starting point for eCommerce as the boilerplate is tuned and ready to go. Best practices and clean code. Beautiful design. Ready for you to make it your own.

Fast global site speed JAMStack eCommerce

Rich product information & marketing content

Product information and marketing content is managed in the Crystallize product catalogue. You can manage structured product information and rich marketing content that is required to market and sell your products.

Store products and documents in the product catalogue. Create engaging experiences with rich taxonomies using topic maps. Organize products and documents in the matrix based grid organizer. Tailor make your product and document structure with powerful shapes configuration. The toolset you need to build beautiful information architecture to support your eCommerce experience.

PIM editorial interface

eCommerce Apps

If you are more interested in launching eCommerce Apps for iOS and Android you should check out our React Native eCommerce boilerplate.