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Dintero Payment Integration

Dintero is a Norwegian payment company that allows businesses to accept payments. The company offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces (APIs) for e-commerce applications.

Getting Dintero Credentials

To get started, you need to create a Dintero account. The Dintero developer documentation provides all the resources you will need to optimize your payment integration.

After getting an account, you get:

  • the client secret to communicate with Dintero servers
  • the client id
  • the account ID (different for test and production environments)

These can be found in the dashboard under Settings.

Remix Run - Furniture Boilerplate - Example

The Remix Run Furniture v2 boilerplate includes a full Dintero integration.

On the checkout page, we render the Dintero payment form, which does the following:

In this boilerplate, we decided to save the cart in our own service layer, so we push the order to Crystallize only when the payment is successful.

When the user clicks the Pay button, the user is redirected to the /order/cart/${cartId} page. This page is actually waiting for the Cart to be saved as an order in Crystallize.

Indeed, while everything is happening, we check the transaction status.

The endpoint, when the event status is ‘AUTHORISED’:

  • creates a customer in Crystallize, if one doesn’t exist yet.
  • creates the order in Crystallize
  • updates the cart from placed to paid, allowing the waiting page to update to the order confirmation

This boilerplate is also using our Node Service API Request Handlers that includes 2 handlers to speed up your Dintero integration.

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