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Items in your tenant (products, documents, folders, grids, topic maps, and assets) can be in one or more languages. For each of these translations, there may be one or two versions available: draft and published. The draft is always available, whereas the published version is only created when a translation is published, either programmatically or through the Crystallize App.

Here’s an example for a multilingual product called "Le Petit Prince":

  • French Translation
    • Draft (/le-petit-prince)
    • Published (/le-petit-prince)

  • English Translation
    • Draft (/the-little-prince)
    • Published (/the-little-prince)

  • Norwegian Translation (item is not published in Norwegian)
    • Draft (/den-lille-prinsen)

Once a translation is published, it becomes available to the Catalogue API and Search API. A translation can also be unpublished if needed, which revokes this condition. 

As further changes are made to a translation, those changes are automatically saved to the draft version. Publishing the translation transfers these changes to the published version.

When an item is published for the second time (and each time thereafter), archives are created of the previously published versions. Refer to our documentation on archiving for more information.

As versions are published and unpublished, they gain canonical and historical paths. It’s also possible to place a version in multiple locations within the catalogue using shortcuts. Versions can also be given one or more aliases for easier referencing. All of these can be managed via the PIM API or the Paths view in the Crystallize App.

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