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Fully Flexible Pricing

In the Crystallize App, you can manage a full range of price adjustments from one screen. From site-wide seasonal sales to special member pricing, Crystallize has you covered.

Managing Special Prices

To work with price adjustments in the Crystallize App, click the Special Prices button on the left side of the screen. From here, you can click the plus sign button (+) at the top-left to start defining price lists and promotions for your tenant.

Price Lists are fixed price adjustments, permanent or temporary, that apply to one or more markets. Since they’re associated with product variants in your tenant’s catalogue, the adjusted prices would be displayed in those markets while browsing the products on an eCommerce website. Price lists can be managed programmatically with the PIM API. You can query price list information using the Catalogue API. Read more about managing price lists in the Crystallize App here.

Promotions are price adjustments, permanent or temporary, applied at the cart level. If a customer puts enough of the right items in their cart or enters the right code, this can trigger deals and discounts in response. On an eCommerce website, one would only see these particular adjustments on the cart and/or at checkout. Promotions can be managed programmatically with the Shop API. Read more about managing promotions in the Crystallize App here.

Once one or more price lists have been defined, the Special Prices main screen will display a timeline showing current and future price list adjustments.

Special Prices timeline

As more price lists and promotions are created, they will be listed on the left-hand side of the Special Prices screen. Promotions have colored indicators to denote status (green = active, yellow = pending, red = ended, gray = unlimited i.e. active at all times). You can click on the Price Lists and Promotions labels to expand and collapse these lists.

Clicking on a price list or promotion will display it in place of the timeline. It can then be edited or deleted by using the action button (...) at the top right. Make sure to save all changes before browsing away.

To return to the timeline view, click the Special Prices label in the top left corner of the screen.

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